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The RNS now has a blog!

Through this blog, we aim to publicise the wide-ranging research that we fund through our grants each year, as well as upcoming events, new RNS publications and other stories of interest to the numismatic community. If you would like to write a post about numismatics-related research, work or any events, please write to: Dr Rebecca Darley –

RNS grants are available to Fellows and non-Fellows alike and recipients of grants are asked as part of their award to write a short entry about their project for this blog, so watch this space for updates and summaries of past and on-going projects.

An overview of the grants which we administer is below. For more information, including application details, please click on the links to each page.

  1. Martin Price Fund for Ancient Greek Numismatics

This fund was set up as a permanent memorial to Martin Price, who was a Fellow, Secretary and Medallist of the Society, Curator of Greek Coins at the British Museum (1966-94) and Director of the British School of Athens (1994-95).

Since1997, the Society has made annual awards from the Fund to promote the study of the coins of the Greek world in its broadest sense, with a special focus on young researchers. The awards will normally be one or more grants towards research costs, including travel and accommodation (where payable), to enable the successful applicant(s) to study some aspect of Greek numismatics. It is also available to provide support for attending and reading a paper at colloquia and seminars.

Applicant may be of any nationality and live anywhere in the world. There is no age limit, but some preference may be given to candidates under the age of 30 on the closing date for applications.

  1. The Nicholas Lowick Memorial Fund for the promotion of Oriental Numismatic Research

This fund was set up by The Royal Numismatic Society as a permanent memorial to its former Fellow and Officer, Nicholas Lowick, Curator of Oriental Coins in the British Museum (1962-86). Since 1988 the Society has made annual awards from the Fund to promote the study of Oriental numismatics.

Annual awards from the Fund will be one or more grants towards travel and accommodation costs to enable the successful applicant(s) to study some aspect of Oriental numismatics.

  1. The Neil Kreitman Central Asian Numismatic Endowment

Thanks to the generosity of Mr Neil Kreitman, The Royal Numismatic Society is able to make awards from this fund to promote research in the study of coins of ancient Central Asia. Grants are made at the discretion of Council from the interest accrued from the capital fund of £25,000 endowed by the Neil Kreitman Foundation.

  1. The Classical Numismatic Group Roman and Byzantine Fund

This Fund was established in 2009 with the aid of a generous donation from Classical Numismatic Group Inc. of Pennsylvania USA. The purpose of the Fund is to promote for the public benefit the study of Roman and Byzantine numismatics in its broadest sense.

  1. The RNS Marshall Memorial Fund

This fund was established by the Society in 1945 in memory of Mr W.S. Marshall, who had left his collection to the Society with the request that the interest on the proceeds of sale be used to help young collectors.

Council makes awards form this fund from time to time for educational purposes. This is usually in the form of assistance for young scholars to purchase books, for themselves or their institutions, where the cost would otherwise be prohibitive.

Donations to these funds are welcome and those interested in making a donation to the society, or endowing a new fund, should in the first instance contact:

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